Back from a lovely summer holiday in SW France, I’ve got a few photos to share.
First up we have a collection around the theme of “sky” – sunsets, stars and a thunderstorm.
Our gite was in the middle of nowhere and was quite high up, so we had a fantastic view of the sky at night – almost a horizon-to-horizon view of the milky way. I want/need a fast aperture wide angle lens as my 50mm f1.4 is nowhere near wide enough to do the sky justice, and my f2.8 24-70 lens isn’t really fast enough.
Then we have some night-time photos I took at the gite, with the aid of a torch and SWMBO.
The third part is sunsets – not so much in the early days because there simply weren’t any clouds (!), but some quite good ones later on.
We had one thunderstorm – I was woken by lightning just before dawn one day and thundered out to get some photos. All a little strange as there was just one thunder cloud, no rain and virtually no thunder. It also got quite difficult to photograph as the sun rose, to the point where I had to give up.
And finally some general shots of the setting sun, just pre “sunset”.