Following on from the posts earlier in the year about getting back into film (see here and here), I thought I'd give a progress report after having bought the Hasselblad. There's also the Intrepid 5x4 to consider.Once thing that's quite interesting is how little 35mm I have shot (with one exception, which we'll come on to later) - it's mainly been medium and large format. But when you've got a Hasselblad, why wouldn't you concentrate on that?
The HasselbladI managed to cram the Hasselblad into my luggage when I went to Amsterdam, but somehow managed to mis-load the roll of B&W film I shot - no idea how I managed it, but it meant I lost half of the film images from there.The next block of photos are from Caen Hill Locks (see Day Trips), which I think worked well - exposures all looking pretty good. On that note, the photos I took at the Pershore Confetti Fields weren't so...