Back in July I went on my first naturist holiday - a week's camping down in Cornwall. Each year British Naturism organise "Nudefest", taking over a decent sized campsite (Newperran, near Perranporth) and making it naturist for the week.
I've only ever camped for a night or two so was a little apprehensive about it - until it transpired that it would be in the middle of a heatwave. Over the course of the week, we had complete wall-to-wall sunshine from dawn to dusk, every day - just a bit of fog on the last morning. Of course, that meant it was damn hot - so hot that a bottle of wine I had in the tent spontaneously popped it's cork after a couple of days. Fortunately it was stood upright so there wasn't any spillage. It was a write-off though.
And yes, that much sun did mean a serious risk of sunburn - you needed protection from about 7:30 in the...