Bristol WNBR 2014

Saturday was the 2014 Bristol World Naked Bike Ride - part of a worldwide series of rides to raise awareness of oil dependency, cyclist vulnerability and body image. And it's an unmissable change to ride round the centre of town stark naked... For the first time in my three rides we actually had nice weather - lovely and warm with plenty of sun. A couple of drops of rain, but no more. The ride itself was great - there must have been about 100 people taking part (including one couple who joined in as we waited at traffic lights!), and the reaction of the shoppers in Broadmead and Cabot Circus was fantastic....
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More Art Nudes (NSFW)

A couple of weeks ago a group of us got together for another studio day of arty nude photography, much like the one in December - this one was up in Barlow just outside Chesterfield, which meant a long day! Again, some really good results, and some quite different effects with the lights and projections - many thanks to the models, and to the other photographers who brought along much more inspiration than I did!...
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Art Nudes (NSFW)

A couple of weekends ago I ventured up to London (a rare event) to take part in an art nude studio photography day. This was organised by a naturist friend and was a clothes optional event, which made for a really good environment with the models, and was probably a bit unusual for them - I think they're used to being the only naked ones. What was very noticeable was that the day wasn't just men photographing women - we had almost as many male models as female, as well as women taking photos. Several people did stints on both sides of the camera. If you've seen any of my work you'll know that I don't photograph people very much, and certainly not in a studio, so this was quite a new experience. My main learning point is to come up with more ideas of my own, rather than relying on the models (who were excellent). On the whole though, I...
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